Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry Center for Marine Environmental Studies


Accumulation Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Organohalogen Metabolites in Wildlife

Recently, metabolites of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have drawn attention of the toxicological scientists. Some metabolites of POPs have strong affinity to transthyretin (TTR) in blood and it has been found that metabolites of POPs disrupt thyroid hormone homeostasis and the normal functioning of cerebral nervous system in wildlife and humans. However, research on species-specific contamination by metabolites of POPs in wildlife is very scarce.

My studies focus on monitoring POPs and other organohalogen metabolites and understanding their accumulation mechanisms in various species of marine and terrestrial mammals obtained from the archived sample collection in the environmental specimen bank (es-BANK) of Ehime University. Furthermore, clarifications of metabolic pathways in the various organohalogen compounds are also an area of my research interest.