Predict the Future and Elucidation of Temporal Trends of Environmental Pollution utilizing the Environmental Specimen bank (es-BANK)
The present research group attempts to elucidate regional and global pollution and accumulation features of biota in the marine and terrestrial environment by Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and other contaminants using samples stored in environmental specimen bank (es-BANK). At the same time, this group takes significant role in suggesting scientific measures to the government and public on the protection of the environment against such chemical risks. Our major study subjects are to make clear 1) global pollution of air and water, 2) status of pollution and its source in developing countries, 3) bioaccumulation mechanisms of biota in marine and terrestrial ecosystems, 4) status of pollution and its risk assessment for humans, 5) temporal trend and future prediction of marine pollution. Our recent distinct studies accredited by world scientists are our findings like 1) pollution of PBDEs has globally spread in the marine environment, 2) pollution sources of PBDEs might also be present in Asian developing countries, 3) dioxins and related compounds have been formed in the open dumping sites of municipal wastes in Asian developing countries, and 4) dioxin pollution are highly extensive in the northern hemisphere.