愛媛大学理学部 沿岸環境科学研究センター


新しい論文が発表されました。「PCBに曝露されたイヌ脳の標的メタボローム分析はOH-PCBsによる酸化的リン酸化の阻害を示唆する」(Nomiyama et al., 2019, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology)


et al., 2019, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology)


Recently, our scientific paper entitled “Targeted metabolome analysis of the dog brain exposed to PCBs suggests inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by hydroxylated PCBs” has been published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology This study was conducted in collaboration with the Dr. Akifumi Eguchi from Chiba University, Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, and Dr.

Yoo Jean from Environmental Health Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research, Incheon, Republic of Korea.

