Data from graduate student Rina Sato has been published in a paper!
Cats have a low capacity to metabolize harmful substances, and exposure to toxic chemicals and their effects are of concern. In this study, we analyzed the tissue distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in cats and found, for the first time, that cats accumulate higher levels of POPs in their kidneys than other mammals. This unique renal accumulation of POPs in cats may be related to chronic kidney disease, which is common in cats.
Previous animal studies have reported that POPs in the kidney cause necrosis of tubular epithelial cells. However, we found that in cats, the apoptosis inhibitor of macrophages (AIM), which removes dead cells accumulated in the tubules, is not triggered, and therefore the dead cells accumulated in the tubules due to POPs accumulation cannot be removed, which may lead to acute or chronic kidney disease.
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