愛媛大学理学部 沿岸環境科学研究センター


2006年 業績目録


[著 書]

田辺信介・環境省 (2006): 9.4 環境中の化学物質濃度,理科年表環境編, 第2版,国立天文台編,丸善,309-335.


Tanabe, S. and Subramanian, An. (2006): Bioindicators of POPs – Monitoring in Developing Countries –, Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, Kyoto, Japan and Melbourne, Australia, 190pp.


藤瀬良弘・安永玄太・田辺信介 (2006): 有機塩素化合物や重金属をトレーサーとした鯨類の生態解明の試み, 鯨類生態学読本, 加藤秀弘・大隅清治編, 生物研究社, 142-151.


Minh, T. B., Minh, N. H., Someya, M., Kunisue, T., Watanabe, M., Iwata, H., Viet, P. H., Tuyen, B. C. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Pertsistent organochlorine residues in human breast milk from Vietnam: contamination, accumulation kinetics and risk assessment. Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Earth: Annual Report of FY 2005, Fujita, M. and Viet, P. H. (Eds.), Osaka University, Japan, 21-31.


Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Inoue, S., Minh, T. B., Trang, P. T. K., Subramanian, An., Iwata, H., Viet, P. H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Arsenic contamination in ground water and residents from Ha Nam and Ha Tay provinces of Red River delta, Vietnam. Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Earth: Annual Report of FY 2005, Fujita, M. and Viet, P. H. (Eds.), Osaka University, Japan, 33-36.


[総 説]

田辺信介・国末達也・高橋 真 (2006): アジアの有害物質汚染と母乳の安全性, 遺伝, 別冊No.19, 104-115.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Environmental Specimen Bank in Ehime University (es-BANK), Japan for global monitoring. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8(8), 782-790.



Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Fujihara, J., Kubota, R., Minh, T. B., Trang, P. T. K., Iwata, H., Subramanian, An., Viet, P. H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination of arsenic and other trace elements in tube-well water and its risk assessment to humans in Hanoi, Vietnam. Environmental Pollution, 139(1), 95-106.


Sudaryanto, A., Kunisue, T., Kajiwara, N., Iwata, H., Adibroto, T. A., Hartono, P. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Specific accumulation of organochlorines in human breast milk from Indonesia: levels, distribution, accumulation kinetics and infant health risk. Environmental Pollution, 139(1), 107-117.


Nakayama, K., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y., Tashiro, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Gene expression profiling in common cormorant liver with an oligo array: assessing the potential toxic effects of environmental contaminants. Environmental Science and Technology, 40(3), 1076-1083.


Kubota, R., Kunito, T., Agusa, T., Fujihara, J., Monirith, I., Iwata, H., Subramanian, An., Tana, T. S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Urinary 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine in inhabitants chronically exposed to arsenic in groundwater in Cambodia. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8, 293-299.


Kunisue, T., Watanabe, M. X., Iwata, H., Tsubota, T., Yamada, F., Yasuda, M. and Tanabe, S. (2006): PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs in wild terrestrial mammals from Japan: congener specific accumulation and hepatic sequestration. Environmental Pollution, 140(3), 525-535.


Kubota, A., Iwata, H., Tanabe, S., Yoneda, K. and Tobata, S. (2006): Congener-specific toxicokinetics of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls in black-eared kites (Milvus migrans): cytochrome P4501A-dependent hepatic sequestration. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(4), 1007-1016.


Minh, N. H., Minh, T. B., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Subramanian, A., Iwata, H., Tana, S., Baburajendran, R., Karuppiah, S., Viet, P.H., Tuyen, B. C. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination by persistent organic pollutants in dumping sites of Asian developing countries: implication of emerging pollution sources. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 50(4), 474-481.


Yang, J., Miyazaki, N., Kunito, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Trace elements and butyltins in a Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) from the Sanriku coast of Japan. Chemosphere, 63(1), 449-457.


Minh, T. B., Watanabe, M., Kajiwara, N., Iwata, H., Takahashi, S., Subramanian, A., Tanabe, S., Watanabe, S., Yamada, T. and Hata, J. (2006): Human blood monitoring program in Japan: contamination and bioaccumulation of persistent organochlorines in Japanese residents. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 51(2), 296-313.


Kajiwara, N., Kamikawa, S., Ramu, K., Ueno, D., Yamada, T. K., Subramanian, An., Lam, P. K. S., Jefferson, T. A., Prudente, M., Chung, K. H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Geographical distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organochlorines in small cetaceans from Asian waters. Chemosphere, 64(2), 287-295.


Suzuki, Y., Watanabe, I., Tanabe, S. and Kuno, K. (2006): Trace elements accumulation and their variations with growth, sex and habitat: effects on Formosan squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus). Chemosphere, 64(8), 1296-1310.


Allinson, G., Mispagal, G., Kajiwara, N., Anan, Y., Hashimoto, J., Laurenson, L., Allinson, M. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Organochlorine and trace metal residues in adult southern bent-wing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) in southeastern Australia. Chemosphere, 64(9), 1464-1471.


Kunisue, T., Muraoka, M., Ohtake, M., Sudaryanto, A., Minh, N. H., Ueno, D., Higaki, Y., Ochi, M., Tsydenova, O., Kamikawa, S., Tonegi, T., Nakamura, Y., Shimomura, H., Nagayama, J. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination status of persistent organochlorines in human breast milk from Japan: recent levels and tempotal trend. Chemosphere, 64(9), 1601-1608.


Kubota, A., Iwata, H., Goldstone, H. M. H., Kim, E. Y., Stegeman, J. J. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Cytochrome P450 1A4 and 1A5 in common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo): evolutionary relationships and functional implications associated with dioxin and related compounds. Toxicological Sciences, 92(2), 394-408.


Ueno, D., Alaee, M., Marvin, C., Muir, D. C. G., Macinnis, G., Reiner, E., Crozier, P., Furdui, V. I., Subramanian, An., Fillmann, G., Lam, P. K. S., Zheng, G. J., Muchtar, M., Razak, H., Prudente, M., Chung, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Distribution and transportability of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in the Asia-Pacific region using skipjack tuna as bioindicator. Environmental Pollution, 144(1), 238-247.


Ramu, K., Kajiwara, N., Lam, P. K. S., Jefferson, T. A., Zhou, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Temporal variation and biomagnifications of organohalogen compounds in finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) from the South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 144(2), 516-523.


Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Kamikawa, S., Ochi, Y., Yano, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Organohalogen and organotin compounds in killer whales mass-stranded in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(9), 1066-1076.


Minh, N. H., Minh, T. B., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Iwata, H., Viet, P. H., Tu, N. P. C., Tuyen, B. C. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination by polybrominated diphenyl ethers and persistent organochlorines in catfish and feed from Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(10), 2700-2709.


Sakai, H., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y., Tsydenova, O., Miyazaki, N., Petrov, E., Batoev, V. B. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) as a potential sensing biomarker of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in aquatic mammal: molecular characterization, expression level, and ligand profiling in Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica). Toxicological Sciences, 94(1), 57-70.


Yamauchi, M., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H., Shima, Y. And Tanabe, S. (2006): Toxic effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in developing red seabream (Pagus major) embryo: an association of morphological deformities with AHR1, AHR2 and CYP1A expressions. Aquatic Toxicology, 80(2), 166-179.


Kunisue, T., Nakanishi, S., Oka, N., Sato, F., Tsurumi, M. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Dioxins and related compounds in albatrosses from the Torishima Island, Japan: accumulation features by growth stage and toxicological implications. Environmental Science and Technology, 40(22), 6919-6927.


Kannan, K., Agusa, T., Perrotta, E., Thomas, N. J. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Comparison of trace element concentrations in livers of diseased, emaciated and non-diseased southern sea otters from the California coast. Chemosphere, 65(11), 2160-2167.


Ramu, K., Kajiwara, N., Mochizuki, H., Miyasaka, H., Asante, K. A., Takahashi, S., Ota, S., Yeh, H. M., Nishida, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Occurrence of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in deep-sea fishes from the Suru Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(12), 1827-1832.


Tao, L., Kannan, K., Kajiwara, N., Costa, M. M., Fillmann, G., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Perfluorooctanesulfonate and related fluorochemicals in albatrosses, elephant seals, penguins, and polar skuas from the Southern Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, 40(24), 7642-7648.


上田浩三・浜野修史・岩本智史・山本常平・梅村省三・田辺信介 (2006): POPs関連物質の加熱挙動に関する研究, 環境資源工学, 53(3), 134-141.



Sudaryanto, A., Kunisue, T., Iwata, H., Adibroto, T. A., Hartono, P. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Specific accumulation of organochlorines in human breast milk from Indonesia: levels, distribution, accumulation kinetics and infant health risk. 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(A)(1)]研究成果報告書「東南アジアの海面養殖における漁場管理と環境保全」,平成18年3月,40-50.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Iwata, H., Santoso, A. D., Hartono, P., Muawanah, Hayami, Y., Omori, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Geographical distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organochlorine compounds in fish from Indonesia. 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(A)(1)]研究成果報告書「東南アジアの海面養殖における漁場管理と環境保全」,平成18年3月,51-54.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Tsydenova, O., Iwata, H., Adibroto, T. A., Yu, H., Chung, K. H., Subramanian, An., Purudente, M., Tana, T. S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Global contamination of PBDEs in human milk from Asia. 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(A)(1)]研究成果報告書「東南アジアの海面養殖における漁場管理と環境保全」,平成18年3月,55-58.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Takahashi, S., Iwata, H., Santoso, A. D., Hartono, P., Muawanah, Omori, K. Hayami, Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Persistent toxic substances in the coastal waters of Indonesia: levels distributions, ecological and human health risk assessment. 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(A)(1)]研究成果報告書「東南アジアの海面養殖における漁場管理と環境保全」,平成18年3月,121-126.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Iwata, H., Adibroto, T. A., Hartono, P., Muawanah and Tanabe, S. (2006): Geographical distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in human breast milk from Indonesia. 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(A)(1)]研究成果報告書「東南アジアの海面養殖における漁場管理と環境保全」,平成18年3月,145-146.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Iwata, H., Omori, K., Hayami, R., Adibroto, T. A., Santoso, A. D., Hartono, P., Muawanah and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish from Indonesia. 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(A)(1)]研究成果報告書「東南アジアの海面養殖における漁場管理と環境保全」,平成18年3月,147-148.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Monitoring of organohalogen compounds in Korea using mussels as bioindicators. Japan-Korea Co-operative Joint Research on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Dioxins, Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Annual Report 2005, March 2006, 25-31.


高橋 真・梶原夏子・田辺信介 (2006): 臭素系難燃剤PBDEsによるアジアー太平洋海域の海棲哺乳類汚染, Endocrine Disrupter News Letter, 8(4), 4.


梶原夏子・田辺信介 (2006): ポリ臭素化ジフェニルエーテル(PBDEs)による鯨類の汚染, 瀬戸内海, 45, 50-53.


田辺信介・高橋 真・梶原夏子(2006): 自然システム循環における有機臭素化合物の動態研究, 平成17年度廃棄物処理等科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書「残留性化学物質の物質循環モデルの構築とリサイクル・廃棄物政策評価への応用(K1737)」, 平成18年3月, 5-31.


田辺信介・高橋 真・上野大介・梶原夏子(2006): 自然システム循環における有機臭素化合物の動態研究, 平成15~17年度廃棄物処理等科学研究費補助金総合研究成果報告書「残留性化学物質の物質循環モデルの構築とリサイクル・廃棄物政策評価への応用」, 平成18年3月, 5-34.


田辺信介 (2006): 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所外部評価報告書, 平成18年3月, 21-22, 43.


Viet, P. H., Tran, T. L., Minh, N. H., Minh, T. B. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Widespread contamination by persistent toxic substances in Vietnam and their implications on environmental quality and human health. Coastal Marine Sciences, 30(1), 396-400.


Tanabe, S., Minh, T. B. and Subramanian, An. (2006): Contamination by persistent toxic substances in the Asia-Pacific region. Text for AAP Special Master’s Program Joint Course 2006 (Subject: Advanced Life Science and Agriculture III, IV), Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, 29-63.

  1. 田辺信介 (2006): 学際・複合・新領域「沿岸環境科学研究拠点」愛媛大学, 21世紀COEプログラムの成果, 文部科学省, 平成18年8月, 14.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Reply to correspondence by D. T. Salvito. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(10), 1318-1319.


Iwata, H., Agusa, T., Inoue, S., Minh, N. H., Minh, T. B., Tu, N. P. C., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Viet, P. H., Tuyen, B. C., Chamnan, C., Tana, T. S., Reungsang, A., Srisuk, K., Takizawa, S., Namakura, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Trace elements and organohalogen compounds in the aquatic environment of the Mokong river basin. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on the Development of Water Resource Management System in Mekong Watershed, 79-86.


Tu, N. P. C., Ha, N. N., Ikemoto, T., Tuyen, B. C., Tanabe, S. and Takeuchi, I. (2006), Heavy metal and selenium concentrations in hepatopancreas of Penaeus monodon (Decapoda: penaeidae) from south Vietnam. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on the Development of Water Resource Management System in Mekong Watershed, 121-124.


田辺信介・池本徳孝・酒井大樹 (2006): ハヤブサ卵中の微量元素, 泉大津ハヤブサ・レポート2006, 日本野鳥の会大阪支部, 32.


田辺信介 (2006): 序文, 化学物質の生態リスク 評価と規制―農薬編―, 日本環境毒性学会監修, 畠山成久編著, アイピーシー.


Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Ramu, K., Chamnan, C., Trang, P. T. K., Minh, T. B., Subramanian, An., Iwata, H., Viet, P. H., Tana, T. S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Lead contamination and its human effects in India, Vietnam and Cambodia. Biomedical Research on Trace Elements, 17(4), 413-416.



Anan, Y., Ikemoto, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Accumulation and risk assessment of trace elements in killer whale (Orcinus orca) from Japanese coastal waters. International Symposium on Western North Pacific Killer Whales: Evaluation on their Status, and Perspectives for Conservation, Tokyo, Japan, Feb., Abstracts, 30.


Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Kamikawa, S., Ochi, Y., Yano, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Organohalogen and organotin compounds in killer whales mass-stranded in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan. International Symposium on Western North Pacific Killer Whales: Evaluation on their Status, and Perspectives for Conservation, Tokyo, Japan, Feb., Abstracts, 31.


田辺信介 (2006): 有害物質による地球規模の環境汚染と生態系への蓄積及び毒性影響に関する研究, 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会・船底防汚塗料研究員会第9回研究会, 東京, 2月, 講演要旨集, 1-11.


梶原夏子・高橋 真・国末達也・磯部友彦・Minh,N.H.・宮坂 仁・Sudaryanto,A.・Ramu,K.・Subramanian,An.・田辺信介 (2006): 生物環境試料バンクを活用した有害物質の環境モニタリング, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,5-6.


国末達也・山田 格・田辺信介 (2006): 海棲哺乳類の脳に残留する水酸化PCBsと分析法の開発, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,11-12.


Ramu, K., Kajiwara, N., Sudaryanto, A., Isobe, T., Takahash, S., Subramanian, An., Lam, P. K. S., Prudente, M., Tana, T. S., Viet, P. H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Asian mussel watch program: sources and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organochlorines contamination in coastal waters of Asian countries. 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,13-14.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Tanabe, S. and Adibroto, T. A. (2006): Human exposure to PBDEs: a case study in Indonesia and other Asian countries. 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,15-16.


山内正信・金 恩英・岩田久人・島 康洋・田辺信介 (2006): TCDD暴露したマダイ(Pagrus major) 初期発生における各AHR異性体の発現と毒性影響の関係, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,27-28.


酒井大樹・岩田久人・金 恩英・宮崎信之・Petrov E. A.・田辺信介 (2006): バイカルアザラシにおけるConstitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR) 転写活性化能の解析-in vitroレポーター遺伝子アッセイを用いた非ダイオキシン様環境汚染物質のリスク評価-, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,29-30.


石橋弘志・金 恩英・岩田久人・田辺信介 (2006): バイカルアザラシ (Pusa sibirica) PPAR-CYPsシグナル伝達経路を介した有機フッ素化合物による毒性影響メカニズムの解明, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,31-32.


新美聡子・渡辺倫夫・国末達也・金 恩英・岩田久人・安永玄太・藤瀬良弘・田辺信介 (2006): ミンククジラの肝チトクロームP450 1-4各分子種のmRNA発現プロファイルと酵母を用いたin vitroタンパク発現, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,33-34.


久保田 彰・岩田久人・Goldstone, H. M. H.・金 恩英・Stegeman, J. J.・田辺信介 (2006): カワウにおけるチトクロームP450 1A –分子的特徴とダイオキシン類の蓄積に関連した毒性学的解析–, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,35-36.


阿南弥寿美・金 恩英・國頭 恭・池本徳孝・池田翔太郎・岩田久人・田辺信介 (2006): ウミガメ類の微量元素蓄積機構および比較生物学的解析, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,37-38.


阿草哲郎・國頭 恭・Ramu, K.・Chamnan, C.・Trang, P. T. K.・Minh, T. B.・Subramanian, An.・岩田久人・Viet,P.H.・Tana,T.S.・田辺信介 (2006): アジア途上国における鉛汚染-ヒトへの曝露と毒性影響、汚染源の推定-, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,39-40.


Nam, D. H.・金 恩英・岩田久人・田辺信介 (2006): Molecular characterization of two metallothionein isoforms in avian species: evolutionary history, tissue distribution profile, and expression associated with metal accumulation. 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,41-42.


安井知子・金 恩英・岩田久人・Franks, D. G.・Karchner, S. I.・Hahn, M. E.・田辺信介 (2006): 水棲鳥類AhRアイソフォームの機能的解析, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,51-52.


磯部友彦・Minh,N.H.・Ramu,K.・高柳 望・越智陽子・国末達也・上野大介・梶原夏子・高橋 真・田辺信介 (2006): ヘキサブロモシクロドデカン(HBCDs)による生態系汚染実態の解明, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,53-54.


Minh, N. H., Tomohiko, I., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Takahashi, S., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Spatial distribution and temporal trend of polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in sediments collected from Tokyo Bay, Japan. 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,59-60.


井上 英・阿草哲郎・國頭 恭・Minh, T. B.・Tu, N. P. C.・Tuyen, B. C.・Chamnan, C.・Tana, T. S.・Reungsang, A.・Srisuk, K.・中村 哲・滝沢 智・岩田久人・田辺信介 (2006): メコン河下流域のラオス,タイおよびベトナムメコンデルタ東部における地下水のヒ素汚染, 平成17年度沿岸環境科学研究センター年次研究成果報告会・21世紀COE沿岸環境科学研究拠点若手研究成果報告会,松山,3月,講演要旨集,61-62.


山口園子・伊藤亜紀・阿草哲郎・岩田久人・田辺信介・Viet, P. H., Tuyen, B. C., 三浦智恵美・三浦 猛 (2006): 環境汚染物質としての微量元素が魚類の精子形成に及ぼす影響, 平成18年度日本水産学会, 高知, 3~4月, 講演要旨集, 276.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in Asia-Pacific region. Seminar in State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Guangzhou, China, April.


Subramanian, An. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Pollution by persistent toxic substances (PTS) in India. Seminar in State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Guangzhou, China, April.


田辺信介 (2006): 特別講演:有害物質による地球規模の環境汚染と生物影響, 2006年度日本海水学会第57回年会, 高松, 5月, 講演要旨集, 28-29.


国末達也・戸根木智幸・梶原夏子・田辺信介・天野雅男・Kuiken, T.・Osterhaus, A. D. M. E (2006): 北海のゼニガタアザラシにおけるダイオキシン類の蓄積特性,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,22-23.


国末達也・大嶽昌子・Subramanian, An.・田辺信介 (2006): ダイオキシン類等残留性有機汚染物質によるインド在住者の母乳汚染,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,78-79.


矢野真一・高橋 真・鈴木 剛・滝上英孝・能勢和聡・酒井伸一・田辺信介 (2006): ハウスダストおよびオフィスダストからの有機スズ化合物の検出とヒトへの曝露評価,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,88-89.


磯部友彦・Ramu, K.・梶原夏子・高橋 真・田辺信介・We, S. U.・ Min, G. T.  (2006): 韓国産イガイの臭素系難燃剤汚染,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,156-157.


越智陽子・梶原夏子・磯部友彦・高橋 真・田辺信介・天野雅男・Kuiken, T.・Osterhaus, A. D. M. E (2006): 北海で大量死したゼニガタアザラシにおけるポリ臭素化ジフェニールエーテル類(PBDEs)の汚染実態とその蓄積特性,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,160-161.


梶原夏子・磯部友彦・Ramu, K.・田辺信介 (2006): アジア―太平洋海域の海棲哺乳類における臭素系難燃剤HBCD蓄積の経年変動,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,162-163.


高柳 望・国末達也・磯部友彦・梶原夏子・高橋 真・田辺信介 (2006): 愛媛県のタヌキにおける有機ハロゲン化合物汚染とその蓄積特性,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,164-165.


上野大介・田辺信介・Darling, C.・Pacepavicius, G.・Alaee, M.・Brown, S.・Campbell, L.・Letcher, R.・Bergman, A.・Marsh, G.・Muir, D. (2006): カナダ湖水及び降下物中PBDEs水酸化代謝物(OH-PBDEs)の検出とその発生源推定,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,166-167.


磯部友彦・Minh, N. H.・梶原夏子・高橋 真・田辺信介・上野大介・松本敬三 (2006): 東京湾柱状堆積物を用いた臭素系難燃剤汚染の歴史復元とその発生源推定,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,168-169.


中田晴彦・佐々木宏・竹村 暘・田辺信介・梶原夏子・吉岡 基・Kannan, K. (2006): 合成香料による海洋汚染の特徴―生物濃縮・経年変動・濃度分布について―,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,192-193.


阿草哲郎・井上 英・國頭 恭・Ramu, K.・Charaborty, P.・Chamnan, C.・Trang, P. T. K.・Minh, T. B.・岩田久人・Subramanian, An.・Viet, P. H.・Tana, T. S.・田辺信介 (2006): ベトナム、カンボジア、インドにおける地下水および地域住民のヒ素汚染,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,224-225.


明石百恵・阿南弥寿美・宮坂 仁・松本純子・楠 憲一・池本徳孝・大森浩二・高橋 真・田辺信介 (2006): 愛媛県沿岸で採取したサメ類の微量元素蓄積特性,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,230-231.


国末達也・渡辺倫夫・岩田久人・田辺信介・能勢真人・小森浩章・有田典正・植田規史 (2006): ヒト組織のダイオキシン類蓄積レベルと肝チトクロームP450発現量との関連性―肝集積に関与するCYP1A2の役割―,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,248-249.


高橋 真・国末達也・梶原夏子・Subramanian, An.・宮崎 徹・Tana, T. S.・Viet, P. H.・酒井伸一・田辺信介 (2006): インド・カンボジア・ベトナムのゴミ集積場土壌から検出されたダイオキシン類縁化合物,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,318-319.


高橋 真・阿南弥寿美・池本徳孝・安村茂樹・田辺信介 (2006): 人為起源汚染物質および微量元素による南西諸島海洋生態系の汚染,第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,396-397.


井上 英・阿草哲郎・久保田領志・國頭 恭・Minh, T. B.・Trang, P. T. K.・Viet, P. H.・Tu, N. P. C.・Tuyen, B. C.・Reungsang, A.・Srisuk, K.・中村 哲・滝沢 智Chamnan, C.・Tana, T.S.・岩田久人・田辺信介 (2006): ベトナム、カンボジア、タイおよびラオスのメコン河流域における地下水のヒ素汚染, 第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,656-657.


Tu, N. P. C.・Ikemoto, T.・Tuyen, B. C.・Tanabe, S.・Takeuchi, I. (2006): Concentrations and distribution of trace elements in commercial shurimps from South Vietnam. 第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,660-661.

  1. 阿南弥寿美・池本徳孝・田辺信介 (2006): 日本沿岸に棲息するシャチの微量元素蓄積, 第15回環境化学討論会,仙台市,6月,講演要旨集,694-695.


Nam, D. H., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Molecular characterization of two metallothionein isoforms in avian species: evolutionary history, tissue distribution profile and expression associated with metal accumulation. 20th IUBUM International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress, Kyoto, Japan, June, Abstracts, 435.


Iwata, H., Hirai, Y., Baba, S., Kishizaki, R., Kim, E. Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Chicken xenobiotic receptor (CXR) homologue splice variants in the liver of common cormorant: regulatory mechanisms of expression and functional properties. 20th IUBUM International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress, Kyoto, Japan, June, Abstracts, 640.


Lee, J. S., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 1 (ARNT1) and 2 (ARNT2) in avian species, common cormorant; molecular characterization, tissue distribution and potential function. 20th IUBUM International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress, Kyoto, Japan, June, Abstracts, 643.


阿草哲郎・國頭 恭・Ramu, K.・Charaborty, P.・Chamnan, C.・Trang, P. T. K.・Minh, T. B.・Subramanian, An.・岩田久人・Viet, P. H.・田辺信介 (2006): インド、ベトナム、カンボジアの鉛汚染とヒトへの健康影響, 第17回日本微量元素学会, 静岡市, 7月, プログラム・アブストラクト集, 169.


田辺信介 (2006): 特別講演: ダイオキシン等有害物質による地球規模の環境汚染, 第28回日本中毒学会総会・学術集会, 松山市, 7月, プログラム抄録集, 23.


真柄真美・島田章則・田島木綿子・山田 格・田辺信介 (2006): 集団座礁したスジイルカ(Stenella coeruleoalba)の病理学的所見, 日本セトロジー研究会第17回大会, 東京, 7月, 発表要旨集, 18.


松平知帆・高橋 真・大池辰也・長谷川修平・吉岡 基・田辺信介 (2006): 伊勢・三河湾系スナメリにおける有機スズ化合物の蓄積特性, 日本セトロジー研究会第17回大会, 東京, 7月, 発表要旨集, 22.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Asia-Pacific region. 11th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry (IUPAC), Kobe, Aug., Book of Abstracts (1), 95.


Subramanian, An., Minh, T. B. and Tanabe, S., (2006): Contamination by persistent toxic substances in the Asia-Pacific region. AAP Special Master’s Program Joint Course 2006 (Subject: Advanced Life Science and Agriculture III, IV), Matsuyama, Aug., Text Book, 29-63.


Nagayama, J., Kohno, H., Kunisue, T., Shimomura, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006):Effects of prenatal exposure to dioxins, PCBs and organochlorine pesticides on induction of congenital hypothyroidism with special reference to lipid contents. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 277-280.


Kajiwara, N., Isobe, T., Ramu, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Temporal trend studies on hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in marine mammals from Asia-Pacific. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 515-518.


Kunisue, T., Fujita, K., Sakiyama, T., Yamada, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in the brain of marine mammals stranded along the Japanese coast. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 583-586.


Minh, T. B., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Persistent organic pollutants in Vietnam (I): A concise review of contamination levels and patterns. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 720-723.


Takasuga, T., Matsukami, H., Watanabe, K., Takemori, H., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Comprehensive analytical approach for organo-bromine compounds in environmental samples with GC-(NCI/EI)-LR/HRMS. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 1178-1181.


Kunisue, T., Ohtake, M., Someya, M., Subramanian, An., Chakraborty, P. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Persistent organic pollutants in human breast milk collected around the open dumping site in Kolkata, India. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 1619-1622.


Tanabe, S., Minh, T. B. and Takahashi, S. (2006): Persistent organic pollutants in Vietnam (II): A concise review of contamination levels and patterns. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 1662-1665.


Takahashi, S., Sakai, S., Osada, M. and Miyazaki, T. (2006): Organotin compounds in automobile shredder residue (ASR) and their behavior in high-temperature melting process. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 1236-1238.


Takahashi, S., Kunisue, T., Isobe, T., Noda, S., Subramanian, An., Kajiwara, N., Tana, T. S., Viet, P. H., Miyazaki, T., Sakai, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and dioxin-related compounds detected in soil samples from waste dumping sites in Asian developing countries. 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin 2006), Oslo, Norway, Aug., Proceedings of Dioxin 2006 “Organohalogen Compounds”, 68, 1847-1850.


田辺信介 (2006): 生命への警鐘:環境ホルモンによるヒトおよび野生生物の汚染,平成18年度岡山県教育センター中学校技術・家庭研修講座(家庭)(K2124)「いのちの教育<生命への警鐘>」,岡山市,8月.


安木進也・池本徳孝・阿草哲郎・飯田麻美・金 恩英・岩田久人・田辺信介・阿南弥寿美・Kuike, T.・Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. (2006): 大量死したゼニガタアザラシにおける微量元素蓄積の特徴:ビスマスの高濃度蓄積と他の微量元素との関係, 第12回バイオアッセイ研究会・日本環境毒性学会合同研究発表会, 東京, 9月, 講演要旨集, 7-8.


豊島沙織・高橋 真・阿草哲郎・宮坂 仁・大森浩二・田辺信介・西田周平 (2006): 安定同位対比を用いた相模湾深海生態系の解析と微量元素の蓄積特性, 第12回バイオアッセイ研究会・日本環境毒性学会合同研究発表会, 東京, 9月, 講演要旨集, 9-10.


村田仁子・高橋 真・Kannan, K.・田辺信介 (2006): アメリカ西海岸で死亡したラッコにおける有機スズ化合物の汚染実態と蓄積特性,  第12回バイオアッセイ研究会・日本環境毒性学会合同研究発表会, 東京, 9月, 講演要旨集, 11-12.


仲山 慶・岩田久人・Tao, L.・Kannan, K.・井元麻衣・金 恩英・田代康介・田辺信介 (2006): ダイオキシン類およびフッ素置換化合物の応答遺伝子から予想される野生カワウの複合毒性影響,  第12回バイオアッセイ研究会・日本環境毒性学会合同研究発表会, 東京, 9月, 講演要旨集, 19-20.


Isobe, T., Minh, N. H., Ueno, D., Matsumoto, K., Shin Takahashi and Tanabe, S. (2006): Vertical profiles of polybrominated flame retardants, polybrominated biphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclohexanes in the sediment core from Tokyo Bay. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 129.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Takahashi, S., Hartono, P., Muawanah, Ir., Omori, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): PBDEs and organochlorines in farmed and wild grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) from the Lumpung mariculture area, Indonesia. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 244.


Niimi, S., Iwata, H., Imoto, M., Watanabe, M. X., Kunisue, T., Kim, E. Y., Nakayama, K., Yasunaga, G., Fujise, Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Gene expression profile associated with organochlorine contaminants in the liver of common minke whales. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 257.


Watanabe, M. X., Kunisue, T., Iwata, H., Subramanian, An. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Effects of dioxins and related compounds on hepatic cytochrome P450 and thyroid hormone in pigs from Indian open dumping site. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 258.


Subramanian, An., Kunisue, T., Ohtake, M., Someya, M., Charaborty, P. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Organochlorines in human breast milk in Chennai and Kolkata, India mothers. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 270.


Sudaryanto, A., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Brominated flame retardants in the environment of Indonesia. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 275.


Ramu, K., Kajiwara, N., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S., Kim, E. Y., Min, B. Y., We, S. U. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Levels and distribution of organohalogen compounds in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from coastal waters of Korea. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 277.


Takahashi, S., Isobe, T., Sudaryanto, A., Ramu, K., Kunisue, T., Minh, N. H., Minh, T. B., Subramanian, An., Kajiwara, N., Ueno, D., Sakai, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination status of PBDEs in the Asia-Pacific region: a review of recent studies on marine mammals, fish/shellfish, human breast milk and terrestrial environments including waste dumping sites. 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept., Abstracts of Papers, 278.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Global contamination by bioaccumulative toxic substances. Joint International Symposium of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine and the 21st Century COE Program of Gifu University – Evaluation of Environmental Condition Based on Ecology and Pathology of wild Animals -, Gifu, Sept., Proceedings, 44.


Subramanian, An., Kunisue, T., Ohtake, M., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Recent trends in PTS pollution in the Indian environment and biota. Joint International Symposium of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine and the 21st Century COE Program of Gifu University – Evaluation of Environmental Condition Based on Ecology and Pathology of wild Animals -, Gifu, Sept., Proceedings, 45.


Trang, P. T. K., Lan, V. T. M., Kubota, R., Agusa, T., Hue, N. T. M., Hao, T. T., Bhat, B. H., Dau, P. T., Phu, D. M., Gerg, M., Viet, P. H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Arsenic pollution in groundwater in Red River Delta, Vietnam: situation and human exposure. The 6th General Seminar of the Core University Program “Environmental Science Technology for Sustainability of Asia” Organized by Osaka University and Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Kumamoto, Oct., Proceedings, 66-71.


Agusa, T., Inoue, S., Kunito, T., Minh, T. B., Tu, N. P. C., Ha, N. N., Trang, P. T. K., Subramanian, An., Iwata, H., Viet, P. H., Tuyen, B. C. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Overview of arsenic contamination in groundwater and human health risk in Vietnam. The 6th General Seminar of the Core University Program “Environmental Science Technology for Sustainability of Asia” Organized by Osaka University and Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Kumamoto, Oct., Proceedings, 82-85.


Minh, T. B., Minh, N. H., Agusa, T., Iwata, H., Takahashi, S., Viet, P. H., Tuyen, B. C. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Pollution by persistent toxic substances in Vietnam: a review of two decade monitoring studies. The 6th General Seminar of the Core University Program “Environmental Science Technology for Sustainability of Asia” Organized by Osaka University and Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Kumamoto, Oct., Proceedings, 86-95.


Iwata, H., Agusa, T., Inoue, S., Minh, N. H., Minh, T. B., Tu, N. P. C., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Viet, P. H., Tuyen B. C., Chamnan, C., Tana, T. S., Reungsang, A., Srisuk, K., Takizawa, S., Nakamura, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination by trace elements and organohalogen compounds in the Mekong River Basin. International Conference on Mekong Research for the People of the Mekong, Chiang Rai, Thailand, Oct., Program and Abstract, 35.


Yamaguchi, S., Miura, C., Ito, A., Agusa, T., Iwata, H., Tanabe, S., Tuyen, B. C., Viet, P. H., Tana, T. S. and Miura, T. (2006): Influence of water pollution on reproduction of freshwater fish in Indochina. International Conference on Mekong Research for the People of the Mekong, Chiang Rai, Thailand, Oct., Program and Abstract, 37.


田辺信介 (2006): 有害物質によるアジアの環境汚染汚染, 東京家政大学創立125周年記念レクチャーフォーラム, 東京, 10月, 緑苑祭パンフレット, 18.


Tanabe, S. (2006): Keynote Presentation: Contamination of legacy and new POPs in the Asia Pacific region. UNU (United Nations University) International Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Asia: Its Status and Future. Quezon City, Philippines, Nov., Program and Symposium Papers, 1-15.


Minh, T. B., Takahashi, S., Subramanian, An. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Asia-Pacific using marine mammals and birds as bioindicators: specific accumulation, spatial and temporal trends, and toxic implication. The 2006 POME Workshop, Ha Long City, Vietnam, Nov., Abstracts, POME-O-2.


Nam, D. H., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Transcriptional activity of cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) metallothionein 1 and 2 promoter/enhancer regions by heavy metals. 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 75.


久保田彰・岩田久人・金 恩英・田辺信介 (2006): In vitro発現した鳥類チトクロームP4501A4および1A5の機能特性, 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 76.


石橋弘志・岩田久人・金 恩英・Tao, L.・Kannan, K.・田辺信介・宮崎信之・Batoev, V. B.・Petrov, E. A. (2006): バイカルアザラシにおける有機フッ素化合物の蓄積とPPAR-CYP4Aシグナル伝達系への影響, 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 77.


Lee, J. S.・Kim, E. Y.・Iwata, H.・Tanabe, S. (2006) : Molecular characterization and transcriptional activity of a dioxin-inducible CYP1A5 promoter/enhancer region from common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 78.


小川真佐子・松田知成・松井三郎・岩田久人・金 恩英・田辺信介 (2006): バイカルアザラシにおけるDNA損傷と環境汚染化学物質の関連性, 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 152.


須田智子・金 恩英・岩田久人・田辺信介・Batoeve, V. B.・Petrov, E. A. (2006): バイカルアザラシにおけるAHR転写活性化能の解析: ダイオキシン類に対する感受性評価の試み, 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 154.


岸崎理紗・岩田久人・金 恩英・田辺信介 (2006): 鳥類CXRのリガンド転写活性化能の種差, 環境ホルモン学会第9回研究発表会, 東京, 11月, 要旨集, 155.


Kajiwara, N., Ueno, D., Ramu, K., Isobe, T., Baba, N., Yamada, T. K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in marine mammals: results from the environmental specimen bank for global monitoring (es-BANK) at Ehime University. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 21.


Matsukami, H., Watanabe, K., Takemori, H., Takahashi, S., Takasuga, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Comprehensive analysis for organo-bromine compounds in environmental samples with GC/MS (EI/NCI). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 22.


Kunisue, T., Yamada, T. K., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Occurrence of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in the brain of three cetacean species stranded along the Japanese coast. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 23.


Sousa, A., Takahashi, S., Subramanian, An., Tanabe, S. and Barroso, C. (2006): Temporal and spatial trends of organotin pollution in Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 24.


Sudaryanto, A., Ramu, K., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S., Setiawan, I. E. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Levels, distribution and temporal trend of brominated flame retardants in the environment of Indonesia. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 28.


Ramu, K., Kajiwara, N., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S., Kim, E. Y., Min, B., Y., We, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination status and spatial distribution of organohalogen compounds in coastal waters of Korea. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 29.


Ueno, D., Subramanian, An., Alaee, M., Marvin, C., Muir, D. C. G., Macinnis, G., Reiner, E., Crozier, P., Furdui, V. I., Fillmann, G., Lam, P. K. S., Zheng, G. J., Muchtar, M., Razak, H., Prudente, M., Chung, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Global pollution monitoring of persistent toxic substances (PTS) using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 30.


Isobe, T., Minh, N. H., Ueno, D., Matsumoto, K., Kajiwara, N., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Horizontal distribution and temporal trend of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecanes in Tokyo Bay. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 31.


Anan, Y., Ikeda, S., Nomura, K., Ikemoto, T., Kunito, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Accumulation and subcellular distribution of trace elements in cephalopods. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 34.


Nam, D. H., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Isoform-specific response of metallothioneins (MT1 and MT2) associated with metal accumulation in cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 35.


Ikemoto, T., Takahashi, S., Anan, Y., Malarvannan, G., Yano, S., Ochi, Y., Matsudaira, C., Murata, S., Tamura, H., Miyagi, T., Nakamura, M., Yasumura, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Pollution by anthropogenic contaminants and trace elements in the ecosystem of the Nansei Islands, Japan. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 36.


Agusa, T., Inoue, S., Kunito, T., Ramu, K., Charaborty, P., Chamnan, C., Trang, P. T. K., Minh, T. B., Iwata, H., Subramanian, An., Viet, P. H., Tana, T. S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Arsenic contamination in groundwater and residents from Vietnam, Cambodia and India. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 37.


Lam, J. C. W., Tanabe, S. and Lam, P. K. S. (2006): Persistent organic pollutants in South China coastal region with special reference to contaminant levels in waterbird eggs. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 39.


Minh, T. B., Minh, N. H., Takahashi, S., Viet, P. H., Tuyen, B. C. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Persistent organic pollutants in Vietnam: implications of human exposure. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 44.


Niimi, S., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H., Yasunaga, G., Fujise, Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Heterologous expression and functional characterization of cytochrome P450 1A1 from common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 49.


Watanabe, M. X., Kunisue, T., Iwata, H., Subramanian, An. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Induction of cytochrome P450 1A by dioxins and related compounds, and congener-specific hepatic sequestration in the liver of pig (Sus scrofa) from an Indian open waste dumping site. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 50.


Kim, E. Y., Yamauchi, M., Iwata, H., Teraoka, H., Hiraga, T. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Differential expression of two aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) isoforms by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in red seabream (Pagrus major) embryo and association with morphological deformities. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 51.


Nakayama, K., Iwata, H., Tao, L., Kannan, K., Imoto, M., Kim, E. Y., Tashiro, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Assessment of mixture toxicities of perfluorinated compounds and dioxins by gene expression profiling in wild cormorants. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 52.


Sakai, H., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y., Miyazaki, N., Petrov, E. A. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Constitutive androstane/active receptor in Baikal seal: the transactivation potential of environmental pollutants as a sensing biomarker. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 54.


Yasui, T., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H., Franks, D. G., Karchner, S. I., Hahn, M. E. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Novel aryl hydrocarbon receptor isoform, AhR2, in avian species: functional characterization and evolutionary history. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 55.


Lee, J. S., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): In vitro TCDD-transactivation analysis of CYP1A5 promoter/enhancer region from common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 56.


Kubota, A., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Functional characterization of avian cytochrome P450 1A4 and 1A5 enzymes using in vitro yeast expression system. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 57.


Imaeda, D., Kunisue, T., Iwata, H., Tsydenova, O. V., Takahashi, S., Amano, M., Petrov, E. A., Batoev, V. B. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Accumulation features and temporal trend of dioxins and related compounds in Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 93.


Watanabe, M., Kunisue, T., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination and bioaccumulation potencies of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in marine mammals and birds from the northern Far East. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 94.


Someya, M., Ohtake, M., Kunisue, T., Subramanian, An., Chakraborty, P. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Persistent organochlorines in human breast milk from the open dumping site in Kolkata, India: specific residue of PCBs and dioxin-like compounds. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 96.

  1. Ochi, Y., Kajiwara, N., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S., Amano, M., Kuiken, T., Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination status and specific accumulation of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in harbor seal collected during an unusual mortality event in the North Sea in 2002. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 97.


Yoneda, K., Abe, T., Hashimoto, T., Furuhata, Y., Tanabe, S. and Yamada. T. (2006): Effects of age factors in accumulations of organochlorine compounds in finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) from the coastal waters of Japan. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 98.


Takayanagi, N., Kunisue, T., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S., Okumoto, K., Bushisue, S., Shindo, K., Tsubota, T., Nakatsu, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination status and accumulation features of organohalogen compounds in raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from Japan. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 99.


Isobe, T., Ochi, Y., Ramu, K., Yamamoto, T., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Organochlorines and brominated flame retardants in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded in the Gogo-shima Island, Ehime, Japan. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 101.


Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Muawanah, P. H., Omori, K., Santoso, A. D., Setiawan, I. E., Takeoka, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Assessment of the levels and human risk of organohalogen contaminants in farmed grouper from Indonesia. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 102.


Sudaryanto, A., Isobe, T., Agusa, T., Takahashi, S., Iwata, H., Nakamura, S., Reungsang, A., Srisuk, K., Takizawa, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Environmental occurrence of organochlorines and brominated flame retardants in sediments from middle Mekong basin. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 103.


Sudaryanto, A., Tsydenova, O. V., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Yu, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Levels and congener specific profiles of PBDE in human milk from mothers living in Nanjing and Zhouzan, China. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 104.


Malarvannan, G., Sudaryanto, A., Kunisue, T., Isobe, T., Takahashi, S., Prudente, M. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Specific accumulation of organohalogen compounds in human breast milk from the Philippines: levels, distribution, accumulation kinetics and infant health risk. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 105.


Tsydenova, O. V., Sudaryanto, A., Kajiwara, N., Kunisue, T., Takahashi, S., Batoev, V. B. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Human exposure to organohalogen contaminants in Russia: residues in breast milk and food items. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 107.


Matsudaira, C., Takahashi, S., Furukawa, A., Taki, Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination of organotin compounds in finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) stranded along coastal waters of Japan and Hong Kong. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 108.


Murata, S., Takahashi, S., Agusa, T., Kannan, K. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Contamination status and accumulation profiles of organotins in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) found dead along California coast. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 109.


Yano, S., Takahashi, S., Suzuki, G., Takigami, H., Nose, K., Sakai, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Detection of organotin compounds in house and office dusts and evaluation of human exposure. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 110.


Nakata, H., Sasaki, H., Ishimoto, Y., Takemura, A., Yoshioka, M., Tanabe, S. and Kannan, K. (2006): Emerging contaminants: synthetic musks in the marine environment. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 113.


Akaishi, M., Anan, Y., Miyasaka, H., Matsumoto, J., Kusunoki, K., Ikemoto, T., Omori, K., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Trace elements accumulation in sharks collected from Japanese coastal waters. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 115.


Yasugi, S., Ikemoto, T., Agusa, T., Iida, A., Anan, Y., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H., Kuiken, T., Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Accumulation of trace elements in harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) stranded during the mass mortality events in the North Sea, 2002. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 116.


Takagi, K., Agusa, T., Anan, Y., Kubota, R. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Arsenic speciation in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 117.


Ikemoto, T., Kim, E. Y., Kunito, T., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Preliminary study on Hg-Se binding protein in hepatic cytosol of marine animals. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 118.


Ninomiya, H., Uno, K., Izumi, Y., Aoki, H., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Distribution and sources of metals in atmospheric aerosol and fallout dust at Ehime, Japan. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 119.


Tu, N. P. C., Ha, N. N., Ikemoto, T., Tuyen, B. C., Tanabe, S. and Takeuchi, I. (2006) : Trace element accumulation in Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) from south Vietnam. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 121.


Inoue, S., Agusa, T., Kubota, R., Kunito, T., Minh, T. B., Trang, P. T. K., Viet, P. H., Tu, N. P. C., Tuyen, B. C., Reungsang, A., Srisuk, K., Nakamura, S., Takizawa, S., Chamnan, C., Tana, T. S., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Arsenic pollution in groundwater in the lower Mekong basin. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 122.


Toyoshima, S., Takahashi, S., Ikemoto, T., Agusa, T., Miyasaka, H., Omori, K., Nishida, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Evaluation of accumulation properties of trace elements in a deep-sea ecosystem of Sagami Bay, Japan by using stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 124.

Ueda, K., Hamano, S., Yamamoto, T., Umemura, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Remediation of dioxin-contaminated soil by indirect heating process. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 125.


Suda, T., Kim, E. Y., Iwata, H., Tanabe, S., Batoev, V. B. and Petrov, E. A. (2006): Transactivation analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) in Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica): estimation of species-specific susceptibility to TCDD. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 132.


Kishizaki, R., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Interspecies difference in ligand transactivation potencies of avian CXRs. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 133.


Hirakawa, S., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y., Tanabe, S., Miyazaki, N. and Petrov, E. A. (2006): Analysis of CYP1A1/1A2 transcriptional regulatory regions, and their hepatic mRNA expressions related to 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalent levels in Baikal seals. COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 134.


Ishibashi, H., Iwata, H., Kim, E. Y., Tao, L., Kannan, K., Tanabe, S., Miyazaki, N., Batoev, V. B. and Petrov, E. A. (2006): Accumulation of perfluorinated compounds and effects on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α- cytochrome P450 4A signaling pathway in Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 135.


Udaka, M., Ikemoto, T., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S. (2006): Concentration of radionuclides (137Cs and 40K) in the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica). COE International Symposium 2006 – Pioneering Studies of Young Scientists on Chemical Pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, Nov., Abstract Book, 137.


阿南弥寿美・池本徳孝・高橋 真・Malarvannan, G.・矢野真一・谷崎樹生・阿部 寧・石原 孝・島 達也・田辺信介 (2006): 石垣島および四国沿岸に生息するウミガメ類の有害化学物質蓄積調査,  第17回日本ウミガメ会議, 三重県熊野市, 11月, 要旨集, 26.


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